Handling Stress

Since 1977, Pioneers of Whole Health , Whole Person Health Care, and Whole Health Education®


WHOLE HEALTH SELF CARE Recently, I attended a grief support group for adults who have experienced a significant loss over the past year. All the attendees were at various stages of grief and loss from a life altering experience, loss of an individual in their life either through death, divorce or alienation.   What was [...]

WHOLE HEALTH SELF CARE2023-08-03T14:09:57-04:00

End Of The Year Relationship Tune-Up

Tune Up Your Relationships By Georgianna Donadio, PhD – As one year ends and another readies to begin, it is the perfect time to assess our relationships and initiate a "Tune-Up." Given the ever growing demands of our daily lives, it becomes very easy to overlook the “care and feeding” of our intimate, family and long-term [...]

End Of The Year Relationship Tune-Up2022-12-28T22:59:18-05:00

Winter’s Effect On Whole Health

Winter's Effect On Whole Health By Georgianna Donadio, MSc, DC - For those suffering from chronic health conditions, the winter's effect can usher in an unwelcome increase in their symptoms. Asthma, arthritis, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), COPD (Congestive Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), and extreme dry skin problems can all become part of the winter landscape. Let's [...]

Winter’s Effect On Whole Health2022-12-21T18:59:46-05:00

Avoiding The Flu

Avoiding The Flu By Georgianna Donadio, PhD - Every year we are inundated with reports of possible flu pandemics and cautioned to get our flu shots early. For those who are staunch devotees of the annual flu shot, the sooner the better. However, some have grown concerned about putting provocative proteins, such as flu shots, [...]

Avoiding The Flu2022-12-21T19:15:00-05:00

Breathing And Whole Health: Every Breath You Take

Breathing And Whole Health: Every Breath You Take By Georgianna Donadio, MSc, DC, PhD – Most of us take our breathing and whole health for granted. We generally do not think about how our amazing brain automatically regulates the most urgent and important bodily function we have. If we do not breathe, we do not [...]

Breathing And Whole Health: Every Breath You Take2022-12-15T18:30:42-05:00

Isolation And Loneliness Affect Our Health

Isolation and Loneliness Affect Our Health By Georgianna Donadio, MSc, DC, PhD – Naturally, everyone feels lonely at one time or another. It may seem harmless, but loneliness and isolation are part of a fast-growing epidemic in this country. At any one time, 60 million Americans report feeling alone. It’s an invisible discomfort that can [...]

Isolation And Loneliness Affect Our Health2022-11-30T18:39:04-05:00

Do Spiritual Communities Foster Wellness For Baby Boomers?

Do Spiritual Communities Foster Wellness For Baby Boomers? By Georgianna Donadio, MSc, DC, PhD - Stuff happens, especially as we age. Our lives and health generally change. The usual causes include children leaving the nest, divorce, the loss of a spouse or partner, changing financial circumstances or any one of a dozen other events. Often [...]

Do Spiritual Communities Foster Wellness For Baby Boomers?2022-11-30T18:27:44-05:00

How to Have a Stress Free Holiday Season

How to Have a Stress Free Holiday Season By Georgianna Donadio, MSc, DC, PhD - The holidays are a special time to pause, give thanks for the richness and blessings of our lives, and enjoy time with friends and family. Shopping, party planning, gift wrapping, visiting friends and family can also be hectic, stressful and [...]

How to Have a Stress Free Holiday Season2022-11-22T21:01:50-05:00

Staying Healthy While Traveling

Staying Healthy While Traveling By Georgianna Donadio, MSc, DC, PhD - The upcoming Thanksgiving and holiday season is one of the most heavily vacation trafficked periods of the year, when millions of people “take to the skies and roads” , visiting friends and relatives.  Unfortunately, for 3-5% (yes, that is 3-5%) of the people who [...]

Staying Healthy While Traveling2022-11-15T15:53:12-05:00

Handling Difficult Relationships During the Holidays

Handling Difficult Relationships During the Holidays By Georgianna Donadio, PhD –  The holidays are upon us. Some say “it’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Is it? For many of us, the holiday visits back home to family members is something to be dreaded. There is frustration in handling difficult relationships. While we look [...]

Handling Difficult Relationships During the Holidays2022-12-05T08:17:23-05:00


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