Continuing Education Courses Available
Annual Renewal Requirement for 3-in-1 Whole Health Education
Video Streamed Continuing Education Courses – $99.00 per course
One (1) course per year is required to re-credentialing
Learner must complete and submit the provided evaluation form to Program Services at the e-mail: This one video program, plus evaluation form submission will meet the annual requirement for the 3-in-1 Whole Health Education renewal. Please update Program Services with new contact information.
Graduate comment about the Whole Health Continuing Education courses:
“I find it welcoming and enjoyable to revisit annually the program that helped guide my nursing career in a new and challenging direction. It brings me great pleasure to observe my patients improving week by week over the course of their six week tenure with me and this is accomplished still by following my NIWH guidelines and training.”
Thank you so much and best regards – Marian Rogers
How can I maintain my current 3-in-1 Whole Health Education graduate status?
By completing the following requirements, you will receive a renewed certificate of completion in the Whole Health Education 3-in-1 program. You will be enrolled into a video course which you will have 30 days from when you first access the course, to complete it. Each course allows for 30 days from video access to completion.
If you have not been active in the program as a student or a renewed graduate for more than 5 years, you will have to complete the number of courses necessary (1 per year) to bring your certificate current. If you have not been active for more than 8 years you will need to take a short refresher program, the Whole Health Certificate Renewal Program, to become current with what is now required for Whole Health Education certificate renewal.
PLEASE NOTE: I understand that I must to adhere to the NIWH listed code of ethics for Whole Health Education graduates. I also understand that any violation of the code may result in the loss of my ability to renew my certificate in Whole Health Education.
Currently Available Courses:
Three new offerings of Georgianna Donadio’s professional continuing education seminars and presentations.
Sex, Health and Longevity – Presented at Harvard’s Newton Wellesley’s Hospital in Boston, for an integrative health conference, this course presents the implications of sexuality in health, with an emphasis on the science of male sexuality and emotional health.
The Immune System – A Whole Person perspective – embracing the Whole Health science of understanding that the immune system is in every cell in our body, this presentation, presented at the Newton Wellesley Hospital, offers an in-depth insight into the function and potential issues that face our immune systems.
The Endocrine System – This course goes above and beyond explaining the endocrine system and connecting it to all other systems in the body. Presented at the Tufts Medical center in Boston, this information is a must have for any educator working with female clients.
- The Love Response with Eva Selub, MD
This course presents the relationship between the experience of being or feeling loved and its impact on our health and wellness. This video course was filmed at the Newton-Wellesley Hospital.
- Unexpected Blessings with Roxanne Black
Presenter shares her experience of life threatening disease and how that catapulted her into becoming a health advocate and starting the Friends Connection to serve those with chronic illness. This video course was filmed at the Harvard Institutes of Medicine.
- Journey through Menopause – This course was filmed during
an education seminar cruise in Boston and presents Dr Donadio at
her most entertaining and informative best. This CE course is a favorite
with nursing associations across the country. - Blood Type and Nutrition with Peter D’Adamo, ND
This course discusses research and application of how an individual’s blood type impacts their natural nutrition compatibility. This video course was filmed at the Newton-Wellesley Hospital.
- The Psychophysiology of Mind Body Healing with Georgianna Donadio, MSc, DC, PhD
This video course was filmed at the renowned Lahey Clinic for staff nurses and physicians. The course discusses and documents the relationship of how the mind/body/thought/feelings mechanisms work to produce wellness or illness.
- Health and Longevity – with Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
Discussion of life-style and its impact on the quality of life it produces. Dr. Shealy discusses natural healing and nutrition. This video course was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital.
- The Enneagram with Helen Palmer
A fascinating presentation of the ancient model of personality types. Helen Palmer is an internationally celebrated expert in the Ennegram. This video course was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Hormones, Embryology and the Nervous System with G.Donadio, MSc, DC, PhD
Lively discussion on the hormones and attraction as well as how the nervous system and human hormones impact a developing fetus. This video course was filmed at the Tufts Medical School – New England Medical Center.
- Spirituality and Health with Marianne Williamson
AIDS advocate and Course in Miracles spiritual teacher, this course presents and discusses the relationship between health and spirituality. This course was filmed at Harvard Medical School
- “The Work” Parts I and II with Byron Katie
Byron Katie, is an American speaker and author who teaches a method of self-inquiry known as “The Work”. This two-part presentation explores the method with audience participation. This video was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Eye Blink Psychology with Joseph Tecce, PhD
This fascinating subject is presented by Professor Joseph Tecce on his research and publications regarding “eye-blink” body language and its psychological significance.
This course was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital
Any NIWH learner who enrolled before 2008 and has not kept current with the re-cert, must complete the 10 course renewal program for $997.00 to qualify for the current professional credentials as a patient health educator.
- Being Present to Your Life with Susan Piver
New York Times #1 Bestselling author, Susan Piver, provides a thoughtful discussion on how to be present to ourselves.
This course was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital
- The Science of Sleepwith Georgianna Donadio
A colorful and informative into the world of sleep and its importance to our health and well being.This course was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Mind OverBody
A two time Mr. Universe, title holder of Mr. World, Mr. Europe and Mr. France, Nordine Zouareg provides a personal and inspiring auto-biographical account of his path to health and success.
This course was filmed at the Bowles Medical Conference Center at the
Newton Wellesley Hospital.
- Super Charge Me – Raw Food Lifestyle with Jenna Norwood
Documentary Film Maker, Jenna Norwood, discusses the Raw food Lifestyle and its impact on health and well-being. This course was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Dealing with Depression with James Gordon, MD
James Gordon, MD, Director of the Center for Mind Body Medicine, presents the subject of depression from a whole person perspective. This course was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital
- The R.A.V.E. Diet with Mike Andersen
Researcher Mike Andersen exposes the downside of animal processing and eating. This presentation and its companion DVD “Eating” is not for the faint of heart. You can purchase his book and DVD, along with the CE course for an additional 19.95, plus shipping. This course was filmed at the Bowles Medical Conference Center
18. The Psychology of Fear with Professor S.E. Solomon
Noted psychologist, researcher, author and college professor, presents a compelling and provocative discussion on fear, anxiety and terrorism.
This course was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Introduction to Ayurvedic Medicine with Hilary Garivaltis
Dean of the Kripalu School of Ayurveda, Hiliary Garivaltis has 14 years of experience in teaching Ayurvedic daily living tools and Ayurvedic therapy techniques. This course was filmed at the Newton Wellesley Hospital